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The history of Metzger & Söhne begins in 1685 when the business was founded in the Lebkuchen house of Perchtoldsdorf, as a Lebkuchen and beeswax candle factory, for the local pilgrimage church. Lebkuchen with images of saints was offered as a gift and cookies as provisions for pilgrims. Furthermore, candles were made from beeswax for the parish and pilgrims in Perchtoldsdorf and the surrounding area.

With the opening of the shop on Vienna's Stephansplatz in 1758, extravagant Lebkuchen creations filled with marzipan and covered in chocolate were developed and supplied to the Viennese court, among others. The Metzger Lebkuchen quickly developed into a seal of quality for the Viennese Lebkuchen world. Today's Lebkuchen chocolates and confections, filled with marzipan or fruit and coated in chocolate, have since shaped Vienna's confectionery repertoire.

Viennese society around the Habsburg Court and the Danube Monarchy, a European superpower in the 19th century, was increasingly characterised by pomp and decadence, inspiring craftsmanship and art to serve this high standard. First the more extravagant varieties of Lebkuchen and in later years the elaborate cake art of Viennese confectioners are examples of this period. Compared to other Lebkuchen types in Nuremberg, Aachen or Basel, the Viennese Lebkuchen, also called 'Herrenkuchen' is known above all for its noble fillings and high quality glazes. 




Traditionally made without compromising on taste or appearance



The best quality ingredients, packaging and methods



Exquisite taste in exclusive packaging 


The original pralines from Metzger & Söhne are made today as they were 330 years ago. Layers of soft Lebkuchen filled with delicate marzipan and natural fruit or nut fillings, encased in chocolate. Our pralines range from marzipan mixes: orange, pistachio or hazelnut marzipan to fruit jellies and jams: currant jelly or candied orange peel.

Lebkuchen History


The basis of Lebkuchen is honey, which has its roots in ancient Egypt as the 'food of the Gods'. Typically, flat cakes or loaves were formed and prepared. "Loaf" is therefore also the origin of the word "Lebkuchen". In the Middle Ages, Lebkuchen spread throughout Europe from a Belgian monastery. On the road to success in the south, several regional strongholds developed in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Each region developed a special variety, such as Aachener Printen, Basler Leckerli, Nürnberger Lebkuchen or Wiener Herrenkuchen. The Viennese Herrenkuchen is Lebkuchen, filled with different kinds of marzipan or fruit jellies and covered with chocolate. Viennese Herrenkuchen corresponded directly to the opulent lifestyle at the Viennese court of the Habsburgs and sophisticated Viennese society. Metzger & Söhne has had a decisive influence on the development of Viennese Lebkuchen since 1685. Metzger continues the tradition of producing these high quality Lebkuchen pieces using original methods and recipes.



The laurel leaves stand for the imperial standard to which we orient ourselves. In addition to honey, all other ingredients come from plants and are purely natural. The medieval art of the wooden model, when decorative Lebkuchen was made with finely carved moulds, is a thing of the past even for Metzger & Söhne, but still part of our history. Elegant Vienna has left its mark on Metzger through the centuries. The opulent Baroque period and the exuberance of the Classical period in the 19th century have had a particularly strong influence on our brand. Our Lebkuchen and candles have been made from the beehive for over 330 years. Regionally sourced, pure bee honey from Austria and sustainably sourced ingredients form the foundation of our products. All our candles are made from 100% beeswax.

Metzger Lebkuchen


Metzger's traditional trade of Lebkuchen and candle maker developed centuries ago around Austria's honey bees.
Bees provide the most important materials for both products directly from nature: honey is processed into Lebkuchen and beeswax is transformed into fragrant beeswax candles that burn harmlessly and are obtained sustainably. Both products are 100% natural and sustainable.

Beeswax candles are undoubtedly the most environmentally friendly type of candles. Compared to other types of candles, beeswax candles have a brighter light and are closest to the summer sun. The burning time of beeswax candles is also longer than other types of candles.
